Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Am I Ready Yet?

The time between pre-op and surgery seemed to FLY by... but the time between post-op and therapy seems to be dragging on. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy missing work and sitting around doing nothing but after the first week or so, it gets a little boring. (I know when I get back to work, I'll kick myself for uttering such nonsense.)

I went back up to NJ earlier this week to get my blood test done. Five very large vials later, I went home and loaded up on sugar. (Meringue cookies are awesome! They give you the crunch like you're eating a real cookie but since it's just sugar and egg whites, it's on the approved list!) Pending the results of my blood test, I'll be interviewed for radioactive iodine therapy.

I hope to be radioactive by next week if things go well. The sooner the better. Let's get me off this low iodine, crazy diet ASAP!

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